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Thank you for the wonderful memories.

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 4:09 pm
by Soya
It has been a very busy weekend for me as I used the bank holiday to organise many more screen shots that I have been collecting and was preparing them to post but then came a wonderful surprise. It was the arrival of NL2000v4 photo real scenery of Holland, the place of my birth and childhood! I have been eagerly awaiting this release for nearly 2 years now and has it been worth the wait? Oh boy it certainly has been worth the wait! I simply had to take some shots of this beautifully created scenery and as I am rather choked up with memories & emotions of my country of birth right now, any words simply fail me (wipes a tear from the eyes), so let my screen shots speak for themselves.

The country of my birth, The Netherlands:










PS the FS community relies on the people who spend their precious spare time and their enthusiasm on creating things to contribute to this community. The NL2000 team has made something that I know I will enjoy for many years to come so you all have my deepest gratitude and thanks. My contribution to you is a donation of 50 Euros to the NL2000 team and to do what I do best, making and posting screen shots of this wonderful scenery to the rest of the FS community.

My sincere thanks.

Patrick Van Der Nat aka Soya.