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NL2000 version 4.03

The Netherlands 2000 Scenery Design Team proudly presents the new 4.03 update of the scenery. There are some big and small changes to be found. We improved the ground scenery of the military airfields and you will find new details like ground staff in Dutch uniforms. In locations like Groningen and Westkapelle the team added new buildings but also in the countryside there is much to enjoy. We have added more details (churches, farms, stables, etc.) in the immediate vicinity of the many airfields that will make the approach interesting. The team also did some bugfixing: The generic buildings around EHHO and EHGR are back for example.

Finally, you will find an improved installer and we have added our own download site. We hope that this additional download option is usefull.

EHAM is unfortunately not ready yet as the team is still working on this airfield.

See our download page for all files.

Click here for a complete list of improvements

The list of updates is:


  • The Netherlands now includes autogen trees, existing autogen provinces expanded.
  • All airfields in the Netherlands merge better with the autogen / trees nearby.
  • Extended wind farms throughout the Netherlands.
  • Placement of additional chimneys and silos.

New installer


  • EHAX: new airfield: gliding Axel.
  • EHDL: ground staff.
  • EHEH: ground staff, centerline width customized and surface improved.
  • EHHO: bugfix: generic buildings around the airfield are back.
  • EHSE: small expansion of environment with generic buildings.
  • EHGG: platform dressed up buildings added around the airfield including the flower auction.
  • EHGR: ground staff and buxfix generic buildings.
  • EHLW: ground staff, several property improvements, centerline width and improved surface and adjacent area churches,farms and houses placed.
  • EHMZ: small changes in and around the airfield.
  • EHOW: platform dressed up and new buildings added around the airfield.
  • EHST: small paved taxiway added and expansion of direct environment with generic buildings.
  • EHRD: expansion of environment.
  • EHSB: ground staff, several property improvements, centerline width and improved surface.
  • EHSB80: ground staff, several property improvements, centerline width, surface improved and additional AI flight added from visiting USAFEF-16.
  • EHTE: expanding environment with generic buildings.
  • EHTW_active: placement of additional buildings and ground staff.
  • EHVK: ground staff, several property improvements, centerline width and improved surface.
  • EHWO: ground staff, various improvements and object centerline width.


  • Telecom ground station Burum placed.


  • Expansion of the Eemshaven with many new buildings.
  • Expansion of the port of Lauwersoog.
  • Shipyards placed along the Winschoterdiep.
  • In Groningen city a number of new buildings placed.


  • Expansion of generic buildings generally and in particular around the large power plants and north of EHBK.

Noord Holland

  • Many new generic buildings in larger cities around EHAM.


  • Expansion of the port of Vlissingen.

This post is also available in: Nederlands (Dutch)



Site admin of NL-2000.com

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