NL-2000 Site


NL2000 team visiting the Nederlands Transport Museum

On May 14, the NL2000 team was the guest of Aviosim Foundation at the National Transport Museum (NTM) in Nieuw-Vennep. The NL2000 scenery is not only used by home pilots but also in professional...


Release version 5.05

The NL2000 team is releasing some new packages for P3Dv5. The airport Teuge EHTE is completely rebuild. Schiphol EHAM has the S taxiway connected with with 24 and an altitude correction. The airstrip Ameland...


Teuge EHTE

The NL2000 team has been busy the past months updating the Teuge EHTE field to the situation of 2021. The new release will be suitable for P3Dv4 and v5. To get an impression of...


NL2000 v5.04 available

In early October, we already announced it, and as of today, NL2000 v5.04 is available for everyone. There is a completely new photo-surface based on photos from 2019. Besides better colors, there is also...


No FsWeekend, soon a new release will be available

This year, due to the Corona threat, there will be no FsWeekend in the Aviodrome. The NL2000 team understands this and hopes that next year the circumstances will be such that it can continue....


Release NL2000 5.03

In these hard times the NL2000 team is bringing you some new and adjusted scenery. With our project “Moving Objects” we added an extra dimension to the realism of our scenery. Like: moving trains, sailing ships and moving...


Moving trains in the NL2000 scenery

The NL2000 team is currently working to enliven the scenery by having an Arriva train run. The first results are promising. A few things still have to happen before it can be released as...


Release NL2000v5.02 for Prepar3Dv4

Months ago we announced to update the base photographic scenery layer of theairports in the NL2000 scenery to the same performance as our provinces.They are in the new packages now. New adjustments in Eelde...


FSWeekend 2019

The NL2000 team will also be at the Avidrome on 2 and at the upcoming FS weekend November 3, 2019 be present again with its own stand. We hope there Just like in previous...